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US warns RT is directly involved in Russian intelligence operations.

The U.S. State Department issued a press release on Sept. 13 saying that the Russian state-run media outlet RT is not just involved in spreading propaganda and misinformation, but is actively working with Russian intelligence to target countries across the world.
“We now know that RT moved beyond being simply a media outlet and has been an entity with cyber capabilities,” the statement read.
“(RT) is also engaged in information operations, covert influence, and military procurement. These operations are targeting countries around the world, including in Europe, Africa, and North and South America.”
The warning follows similar statements in recent weeks that Russia is planning information campaigns to sow division in U.S. society and undermine support for Ukraine in swing states during the upcoming presidential race. A U.S. official told Reuters that RT is attempting to push U.S. viewers toward voting for Donald Trump in the presidential election through a network of Western media personalities.
Earlier in September, the U.S. announced a sweeping crackdown on supposed Russian election interference, seizing 32 internet domains linked to Kremlin propaganda campaigns and sanctioning several high-profile propagandists working for RT.
Alongside the new warning about RT, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that “the State Department also designated the Russian state-funded and directed media company Rossiya Segodnya and five of its subsidiaries, including RT, under the Foreign Missions Act.”
“As a result, these actors are now required to notify the State Department of all personnel working in the U.S. as well as their property.”
Blinken reiterated the State Department’s warning, saying that “Rossiya Segodnya and these five subsidiaries are no longer merely firehoses of Russian government propaganda and disinformation; they are engaged in covert influence activities aimed at undermining American elections and democracies, functioning like a de facto arm of Russia’s intelligence apparatus.”
RT and the other subsidiaries are also actively assisting in a crowdfunding program to “provide support and military equipment — supplies, weaponry — to Russian military units in Ukraine,” Blinken said.
While the U.S. is conscious not to impinge on free speech, “even when it comes to media outlets that wittingly spread government propaganda,” Blinken said that “we will not stand by as RT and other actors carry out covert activities in support of Russia’s nefarious activities.”
